Thursday, July 20, 2017

Inter-agency coordination and cooperation with other relevant actors 9/15

83. Canada reported on a policy of the RCMP, which directed units to participate in multi-agency community-based initiatives or programmes to reduce the incidence of violence in relationships, improve public awareness, and develop protocols for responding to violence in relationships. A number of police projects on unresolved homicides and missing persons were developing good practices relating to information-sharing, file management, file coordination and disclosure to be shared with other investigative units or replicated in other parts of the country.

84. In Greece, cooperation between the police and other public and private bodies was considered to be very important for preventing and effectively addressing violence against women, as well as for assisting and protecting them. The police was working very closely with the National Centre for Social Solidarity/Ministry of Labour, the body for exercising social policy and for providing social care and social solidarity services. The police also cooperated with the General Secretariat for Gender Equality and other co-competent bodies in order to render support to women who became victims of violence

85. In Peru, an inter-sectorial body was established in 2012 to oversee the National Programme against Family and Sexual Violence. It elaborated an  inter-agency care pathway for cases of “feminicide” and was currently developing an inter-agency protocol on this matter.

86. Spain reported on the conclusion of a protocol on coordination between law enforcement bodies and judicial organs.

87. In Sweden, the Prosecution Development Centre Gothenburg, cooperated with other agencies within the judicial system, in particular the national police board, on combating violence in close relationships and other issues. The Swedish Prosecution Authority engaged in experience exchange, knowledge dissemination and cooperation on special projects concerning violence in close relationships, together with the Ombudsman for Children in Sweden, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority, the Swedish National Courts Administration and the National Police Board.

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